Success Stories

TR Dizin
The software infrastructure of the TR Dizin National Citation Analysis Project supported by ULAKBİM was developed by MANTIS. Access to hundreds of thousands of full-text articles, bibliometric measurements and detailed analyzes are carried out in the TR Index.
The APERTA project, which aims to provide long-term storage and access to scientific studies and the data sets used in these studies, was developed on the Zenodo infrastructure, which is also used by CERN. The project coordinated by ULAKBİM can be accessed at ​
Aiming to provide access by harvesting the metadata of the records in the institutional archives, a harvesting engine operating in accordance with the OAI-PMH protocol standards is used in the Harman project. The project coordinated by ULAKBİM can be accessed at ​
Hundreds of thousands of publications can be accessed in full text on the portal, which aims to manage and present different publications such as books, articles, gifts, etc. for publishers. Portal developed for IdealOnline can be accessed at
Metro Istanbul Big Data
Data gathered from the equipment used in all subway lines are processed in real-time, and the analysis results obtained can be observed instantly in the project developed jointly with Istanbul Metro. Millions of data are processed every day in the software, which includes many analysis services such as defective equipment notification, anomaly detection, premise maintenance services.
C3PO- Smart Cities
C3PO - Collaborative City Co-design PlatfOrm project, of which Mantis is among the partners, was honored by ITEA with a success story. The project story which was published in ITEA Magazine can be accessed at