BT Haber Published Our Election Infographic

31.08.2015 news

The Focus of the Voter is on The Election Inographic!

BT Haber presented our election infographic and analysis developed with Sosyal Goz.

Mantis Software analyzed millions of messages related to elections by using big data processing techniques and shared the results in infographic.

When a new government could not be established following the country’s long-awaited general elections, the question of ‘election’ resurfaced on Turkey’s agenda. During the general election process, Mantis Software, which broadcasts the effects of political campaigns and leaders on social media live on, analyzed millions of messages relevant to the general election and evaluated the results as infographics. The election infographic, created using the Sosyal Goz ( infrastructure, offers some impressive results for better understanding the mood of voters on social media in the days leading up to the upcoming elections. You can access the details of the news on the BT Haber web page.